Endowment fund for Ukraine
U Přehrady 3204/61
Jablonec n.N.
466 01
VAT: CZ17964687
Jablonec n.N.
466 01
VAT: CZ17964687
On 8 July, rocket attacks severely damaged the Ochmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev, causing many casualties. We are launching a fortnightly collection to support immediate repairs and care. All donations will be donated directly to the hospital. Your help is urgently needed. Donate now
The entire civilised world is shocked by the barbaric missile attacks on the Ochmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev and other civilian targets in Ukraine carried out by the Russian Federation on the morning of 8 July. Dozens of deaths, hundreds of injuries and, among other things, damage to the largest children's hospital in Ukraine. Our colleagues from the Future for Ukraine Foundation are working with this facility right now, and the children being treated there were due to arrive in the next few weeks for rehabilitation at a spa in the Czech Republic. We know from the doctors treating them that the hospital affected is only just beginning to take stock of the damage, and will need money in the coming weeks. We have therefore decided to launch this quick fundraiser. We will leave it open for 14 days and then find a way to transfer all the funds raised in this way through a proper donation contract to this hospital as a quick relief to help with the damage from this insidious and inhumane attack.
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On 8 July, rocket attacks severely damaged the Ochmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev, causing many casualties. We are launching a fortnightly collection to support immediate repairs and care. All donations will be donated directly to the hospital. Your help is urgently needed. Donate now
The entire civilised world is shocked by the barbaric missile attacks on the Ochmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev and other civilian targets in Ukraine carried out by the Russian Federation on the morning of 8 July. Dozens of deaths, hundreds of injuries and, among other things, damage to the largest children's hospital in Ukraine. Our colleagues from the Future for Ukraine Foundation are working with this facility right now, and the children being treated there were due to arrive in the next few weeks for rehabilitation at a spa in the Czech Republic. We know from the doctors treating them that the hospital affected is only just beginning to take stock of the damage, and will need money in the coming weeks. We have therefore decided to launch this quick fundraiser. We will leave it open for 14 days and then find a way to transfer all the funds raised in this way through a proper donation contract to this hospital as a quick relief to help with the damage from this insidious and inhumane attack.